1. Ask, “Why is it important for kids to move?” Have parents share their ideas with the group, elaborating on their thoughts and giving examples. Write their ideas on chart paper (you can draw connections between similar thoughts and overlapping ideas).
  2. Ask parents to name challenges to moving and exercising with kids, and share how they overcome those challenges. On another sheet of chart paper, write their responses in two columns (challenges and solutions).
  3. Distribute the printable and ask parents to read through the list. Ask which of these are also true for them as adults. Discuss how their original ideas fit into, build off of, or add to the list you’ve handed out (for instance, if a parent named “exercise helps kids sit still more” as a benefit, you might talk about ways this benefit aligns with number 7 or number 8).
  4. Ask parents to share ways that they encourage movement and exercise in their homes and outdoors with their children. These could include games they play, routines they do at home, or ways they help get kids moving. Write those ideas on chart paper, too.